Home / Detecting Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer Early Using Genomics (DOvEEgene)
Detecting Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer Early Using Genomics (DOvEEgene)
Generating solutions
Genome Centre(s)
Project Leader(s)
- Lucy Gilbert,
- McGill University
Fiscal Year Project Launched
Project Description
Ovarian and endometrial cancer-related deaths are within the top four causes of cancer deaths in North American women. Because of the lack of symptoms in early stage, these cancers continue to be diagnosed in Stage III/IV with metastasis outside the gynecologic organs making cure unlikely. The project will develop DOvEEgene, a genomic uterine pap test that aims to screen and detect these cancers while they are confined to the gynecologic organs and curable. The test will use next generation sequencing to interrogate 23 genes involved in the development of sporadic and hereditary ovarian and endometrial cancers in women between 45-70 years. Currently the direct costs of treating the 10,000 Canadian women diagnosed with these cancers every year is over $1 billion. It is expected that with DOvEEgene and diagnosis in earlier stages these expenditures could be decreased by up to $250 million per year.
In the news:
- Grant will help MUHC researchers move cancer test to clinical trial stage, Canadian Press, March 2, 2020
- Cancers de l’ovaire et de l’endomètre: plus de 6 millions pour un test de dépistage précoce, La Presse Canadienne, March 2, 2020
- Enfin un test de dépistage précoce du cancer des ovaires, Radio-Canada, March 2, 2020