Genomics is revolutionizing healthcare by enabling lifesaving advances in diagnosis and treatment.
Three new projects funded through Genome Canada’s Genomics Applications Partnership Program (GAPP) will harness the power of genomics to transform healthcare treatment for patients across the country.
Announced in April 2023, a new investment of $56.7 million will support the latest round of GAPP projects, fuelling late-stage research and development (R&D) projects addressing real world opportunities and challenges, including $8 million fuelling advances in healthcare diagnosis and treatment.

Transcriptional and epigenetic events underpinning Navacim-Induced TR1 cell formation and expansion
Dr. Pere Santamaria (University of Calgary) and Jord Cowan (Parvus Therapeutics) are working to improve current approaches to treating autoimmune disease, which require broad suppression of the immune system. Their project will help Parvus’ proprietary technology platform will generate a pipeline of autoimmune diesease therapeutic candidates using Navacims, nanoparticles coated with autoimmune-disease relevant peptides. Funded through Genome Alberta.
Development and clinical implementation of an omics assay for the diagnosis and treatment of Helicobacter pylori
Dr. David Alexander (University of Manitoba), and Sara Christianson and Aleisha Reimer (National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada) will develop and drive clinical implementation of a new diagnostic and treatment tool for Helicobacter pylori, which is the main cause of peptic ulcer disease and a major risk factor for gastric cancer—the only cancer that can be prevented with antimicrobials targeted against Hp. Funded through Genome Prairie.
Genomics tools for the prediction of antifungal resistance in clinical samples
Dr. Christian Landry (Université Laval) and Dr. Phillippe Dufresne (Le Laboratoire de santé de publique du Québec) will harness DNA sequencing to develop faster and more accurate tools for the prediction of antifungal resistance. Fungal infections and resistance to antifungals are on the rise worldwide, with 14.9 million cases and 1.7 million deaths every year. Funded through Génome Québec.
To learn more about this investment in genomic research and development, click here.
The Genomic Applications Partnership Program (GAPP) supports industry-facing partnered research projects that address real-world challenges. Designed to accelerate the social and economic impact of genomics, GAPP provides the space for research, innovation and application to thrive collaboratively. This latest milestone investment marks the 100th project funded through GAPP and the 10th anniversary of the program, with a total investment of approximately $477.1 million to date, of which $17.9 million in was invested last fiscal, 2022-23. GAPP projects address real-world challenges and opportunities through greater collaboration between genomics scientists and the users of genomics research. They aim to stimulate public- and private-sector investment in Canadian genomics technologies, advancing technology uptake in receptors and moving technologies across readiness levels.